ORBX KJAC Jackson Hole pro P3Dv2
Dnes ORBX uvedlo dlouho očekávaný update letiště KJAC Jackson Hole pro Prepar3D v2. Update přes FTXCentral není možný a je potřeba stáhnout nový instaler, který je k dispozici ke stažení na FlighSimStore z vašich uživatelských účtů.
V případě že jste pořídili letiště na DVD, máte možnost jej převést na digitální licenci za manipulační poplatek. Více zde: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/75513-fss-cross-grade-offer-for-all-orbx-dvd-customers-from-other-online-stores/
Změny v nové verzi 1.1:
FSX Only
- New runway/taxiway lighting system for FPS benefits and visual consistency on all systems – this is the same style I’ve been using on all my recent projects and triple installers.
- Replace legacy agn lighting with new style
- Fix airport fences issue at night in DX10 mode
- Rationalised Objectflow to use consolidated module
- Update taxiway textures (to remove texture tessellation issue)
- Sitting man reading paper out front of terminal now has something to sit on
- Updated user guide
- Windsocks updated for correct directions
- New user guide
- All models edited to allow shadows to display
- Ground poly edited for P3D2 shadow compatibility
- Shadow planes removed from vehicles and aircraft
- Aircraft, vehicles etc lowered to hug ground correctly
- Modified Airport 15cm PR to allow (as much as possible) for altitude batch shift
- Change of placements to cater for batch shift
- P3D2 – There will be a couple of incidences around the B757’s of some vehicles not 100% hugging the ground
- P3D2 – Some ORBXlibs vegetation models (predominantly animated variants from Natureflow library) don’t cast shadow
- P3D2 – Some minor mis-alignments between a few non-airside objects and the ground PR. This is due to limitations with the reprojection method utilised in P3Dv2.