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Archiv článků za měsíc: Červenec 2012

Necroni na stole

Armádu Blood Angels úspěšně dobarvuji a je na čase se začít věnovat další armádě. Na řadu tak po dlouhé době přichází reinkarnace Necroní armády, kterou jsem před cca rokem prodal s vědomím, že nový kodex přinese nemalé množství nových modelů, takže Necroni na stole zaberou hodně práce. Co přesně chystám?
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Commentary: ETC 2012 Germany army lists

I start with ETC 2012 army lists commentary. At first place I will comment ETC 2011 champions – Team Germany. Surely I do not want to be compared with Internet celebrities such as Kirby. All opinions which are published in this post are only my personal opinions, heavily affected by Czech meta game and they aren’t be absolutly true and any of readers can disagree with me.  So lets go to some commentaries for German guys.
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ETC 2012: Team Czech Republic accepts Polish challenge

Vladdi, Polish captain says: Ok, I passed what Pierre said to my team and they demanded that I send a grudge towards Czech team, who kicked us out of EURO 2012 and killed all hopes and dreams of our proud host nation. So my dear neighbors if you have the guts to do it and would honor us with the chance to wipe out the shame brought to our country by our football team we would like to challenge You to a fight in first round! We will not point fingers at You and call You chickens if You don’t, we understand fully how afraid You may be, but we hope You can overcome Your fears and stand up to us! 😉
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ETC 2012: Armies counts

Following the last year Army Counts post, I did Army summaries for ETC 2012. Best popular army choice is Grey Knight codex followed by Space Wolves. Third place shared between Necrons and Blood Angels. Because that Special characters are permited this year, we can see Dark Angels come back which plays six teams, all as deathwing. Another army with old codex, which did not appear much is Tau and four participants bet on them. So lets go to see some charts.
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